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LESSON 2- Inserting text

Lesson 2 - Inserting text

The majority of webpages are made up of text. If you have ever used a keyboard, you already know how to type text in HTML. To type something into your webpage, simply type what you want to appear on your page. You only need to use tags if you want the text to do something special.

Some commonly used tags are:

<b> This bolds text </b> (You need to end this.)
<br> Inserts a line break   (like pressing �Enter�Eon a keyboard)
<p> This starts a new paragraph   This is very useful for splitting up your text
<i> This makes text in italics </i> (You need to end this.)
<u> This underlines text </u> (You need to end this.)

Font Size:
You can also change the size of your font. In HTML the sizes range from 1 (very small) to 7 (very big). To change the size of your font, you need to type:

<font size="1">type your text here</font>

You must end your font tag, or all text typed afterward will be that size.

These are the different font sizes that you can use:

  • Size 1 text
  • Size 2 text
  • Size 3 text
  • Size 4 text
  • Size 5 text
  • Size 6 text
  • Size 7 text
Now that you know how to change text sizes and add special effects, you are ready to move on to more complicated HTML. Click the 'Next' button to move on to the third lesson.
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