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More Advanced Text

Lesson 3 - More Advanced Text

Once you are comfortable with using simple tags, such as bold and underline, you can move on to other things that will make your text more interesting. Here you will learn how to add bullet points, make numbered lists, and insert a horizontal line.

Bullet Points:
Bullet points are slightly more complicated. In HTML, bullet points are called 'unordered lists,' or 'ul,' for short. To start bullet points, you need to type <ul>.
If you want each bullet point to appear on a new line, you should type <li> before each one.
When you have finished all your bullet points, type </ul>

The code should look like this:

<li>bullet one
<li>bullet two
<li>bullet three

This is what would actually be displayed on your webpage:

  • bullet one
  • bullet two
  • bullet three

Numbered Lists:
Creating a numbered list uses the same principle as creating bullet points, except that you use 'ordered list', or '<ol>' instead of <ul>. The code for an ordered list would look like this:

<li>point one
<li>point two
<li>point three

This is what would actually be displayed on your webpage:

  1. point one
  2. point two
  3. point three
For horizontal lines, please go to the next lesson...
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