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The embed code for including music in your profile is:
<embed src="http://www.PATH TO YOUR MUSIC FILE.mp3" volume="100%" hidden="false" autostart="false" height="40px" loop="true">

This works for either music or video, but for video you're probably going to want to increase the height to at least 350px so that you see all of your video!
  • The hidden attribute is for making it so people don't see any music player, and just hear your music in the background (change to true if you want to hide your player) Remember this means people can't turn your music OFF! It can be true or false.

  • Autostart denotes whether your music begins as soon as people enter the page, or if they have to press play. Possible values are true or false.

  • Height is for setting the height of the media player bar that appears (should be around 350 for a video file). Height is measured in pixels (px).

  • Loop is whether your file plays once or over and over again. Possible values- true or false.

As with images, your music must be uploaded to the internet. You cannot use songs directly from your hard drive! Some free file hosts you can try are:

If you're looking for a free flash player, you should check out:
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